Archive for February, 2008

Making Your Penis Bigger Free Tips

“Penis Enlargement lose weight to make your penis looks bigger

A man’s penis comes in all shapes and sizes, lengths and thickness. There are as many methods for increasing size, as there are differences in size. But, for men who are overweight, their penises may actually appear to be getting smaller.

There are many reasons for this, with the most obvious one being that it isn’t really getting smaller – the body has just grown to the size that it is overpowering the penis. Just losing weight isn’t going to increase your penis size, but it can help to give your penis and scrotum a bigger look.

Shedding fat from the thigh and belly area, will give your penis more prominence. Without the fatty tissue obstructing the view of your penis, it will be more visible, giving it a larger look. Being overweight isn’t the only reason for the appearance of having a small penis. A man’s overall temperature and sexual libido will decide whether or not a penis will look “alert”, or lifeless.

When the penis is not aroused, or if the man if feeling cold, the penis will appear much smaller than when it is “standing up”. There is also the option of removing some pubic hair to allow the penis to be seen more clearly.

Sometimes, medications and devices aren’t required to improve your penis health and appearance. In these cases, all that is needed is taking a look at your lifestyle, and making some improvements in your habits. Having a firm body and looking trim overall will give your self-confidence a much needed boost as well.

This is why it is so important to look into diets and programs that can improve your eating habits and contribute to your overall feeling of good health. Physical exercise can help you to shape up, while eating healthier will give your body the ability to perform better. Skipping meals is not a good idea; it is far more important to eat well-balanced meals to keep your body healthy and toned.

The first step is seeking advice from a nutritionist or doctor, especially if you have a large amount of weight to lose. You need to cut down on your calories. It is very important to increase your physical activity especially if you are having a hard time cutting down on your food intake.

Eventually, you will need to work on doing both together, but be sure to do it gradually. Fad diets or crash diets won’t do you any good, unless you can find a program that suits you well, and that you will be able to stick to.

Try to consume less fat, oily, salty foods and sweets, while increasing your servings of fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in vitamins, fiber and water giving you a feeling of being full. Eat enough meats and carbohydrates, and cut down on alcohol, caffeine, and cigarette consumption to complete you overall lifestyle changes.

Getting in shape will not only help to give your penis a larger and firmer appearance, you will have an overall feeling of well-being which will carry over into your sexual performance. You will feel better about yourself, and will have the confidence to perform better – which will be a plus for both you and your partner.

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